Spoken English for Germans

Thousands of German people are using our program to improve their spoken English. This is no surprise because, as you already know, Germans are among the world's most educated and intelligent people. Our program has been a perfect fit for the German market.

We are 2 Canadian brothers who are living in Shanghai, China. We wanted to make a program to teach the type of real English that native speakers actually use, not the kind of boring and overly formal nonsense that is always taught in schools. We wanted to make a program that was interesting, entertaining, educational, and one that a mature audience would love. Our program is designed to help people who already know some basic English from school, but are still not yet at the level of native English speakers.

We've made hundreds of high quality English learning MP3 radio style lessons in our recording studio. We teach exactly how to speak real English in any situation like at house parties or a club, in a business environment, when hanging out with friends, when travelling the world, etc. We cover everything, and teach in a unique style you'll love.

We've received hundreds of awesome emails from Germans who are using our VIP program, telling us exactly how our program has worked for them.

If you want to sound intelligent and cool when you speak English, try out some of our free lessons and see for yourself how our program can help you big time. Sign Up Free