Russia, Ukraine, and USA. Who is right?
March 15th, 2014This is a scary situation. I’d love hear all your opinions, especially people from both Russia and from the Ukraine. Please share with your friends as well. This is just so important.
Let’s start with who is NOT right.
The USA. I am just sick and tired of their war efforts. What the HELL are they doing? Oh ya, just trying to make money and control the world. Wonderful……
I should say that a lot of American people know this and agree, so I don’t blame them at all. But their government is absolutely out of control. Obama and John Kerry look, talk, and seem like reasonable people, but clearly, they are not.
I’m not an expert on the situation, but I have been following it closely from many different information sources, and I’ll tell you what I think is going on.
This is important for the whole world, so please pay attention to this kind of stuff. Don’t be like most people who just bury their heads in the sand and think, “I’m not interested in world politics” or something. You should be. We all should be.
So what I know is this:
Russia and the Ukraine have a long history, and it’s a complicated one, and the West (USA) knows almost nothing about it and it’s none of their business. Several years ago, Russia gave back a part of land to the Ukraine, and now Putin wants it back. I don’t know why, and I don’t know the history. This is just what I understand. The point is, this is a battle between the Ukraine and Russia over this piece of land.
Imagine if the US and Mexico were fighting over some part of land between them. Do you think the US would be ok with Russia or anyone flying across the world and helping Mexico? HAHAHA
Obviously not. And Russia wouldn’t do that. No one would.
I also hear that the Ukraine is having a lot of internal political struggle. The US helped fund a very aggressive government in the Ukraine to help take over the country. There was some kind of internal battle. Obviously the US will give money to any group in any country if they believe that group will help the US in some way (ultimately financially). This is sick, but it’s what the military does all the time. And the people in the US military often don’t agree with what they are doing, they find out later and report how bad it all is.
I will post a video from an American guy who does a lot of research on many political issues. I think it’s at least interesting and should be shared. Please comment, no matter where you are from, and let me know what you think is going on, what will happen (will there be a real war) and what is the purpose of all this? Who is right, who is wrong, and what is your media saying in your country? I hope the Russians and Ukraine writers can try to make intelligent comments, and if we don’t agree with each other, we can at least do so respectfully. Thanks guys. Share this and make it popular!! Watch the video too. Can’t wait to read what you guys think and know about this.
We will of course be discussing this and more in the VIP!! Also, keep coming here every day because I’m writing more and more blogs to make you think and improve your English.