Sorry. But I was Right :)
Sunday, October 27th, 2013I thought that title would make you click
I’m partly kidding, but also partly serious… Read my last blog to see what I think I’m right about.
I read all the comments and I absolutely love debating with you guys (and girls).
Maybe I wasn’t clear enough in my explanation. Maybe I’m wrong, who knows. Let me try again to make my main point. If you agree with me, great! If you disagree, great! Seriously, either way, please share in the comments below……
Here’s what I’m really saying. I believe the internet CAN BE much more powerful than the way 99.999% of the people use it for currently. If you aren’t great at searching, you won’t get what you need. This is totally true. And it’s true that most people are REALLY BAD with search and finding opportunities and information online. They just don’t know how bad they are.
It’s not just the fact that the internet exists that is such a big deal. It’s about what this means and what the net makes possible.
Reading articles and finding facts online is super basic. I’m talking about what else the internet allows us to do that is so new to all of our human history. Think about If you don’t already use it, you absolutely should. It’s one of the most powerful sites ever.
Imagine you were back in 1995 and you wanted to speak with an expert in marketing at a particular large company. How could you do it? How would you even find the location of the company if you didn’t already know it? It’s hard to remember life before the internet.
Now, you can go on, search for specific jobs and people in any company. You can contact them and come up with a reason to call them, email them, or even take them out for lunch to ask them stuff (you just need to be creative to think of a reason they’d want a free lunch with you. It’s really not that hard either) You can meet with people all over the world in different companies and different job positions. If you can’t meet them face to face, you can at least email them and set up a phone/Skype call. I do this all the time. Seriously.
This one thing is just ONE example of many things the internet allows us to do, IF we decide to take advantage of this. Imagine how hard it would have been to even find the name of a person in the marketing department in Samsung 20 years ago. How would you even do it back then?
This is such a game changer for sales. You can now run an international sales department without leaving your office. You can find corporate clients (other businesses), then call the right people on the phone or on Skype, send them your website and other documents via email, and close sales deals online. You don’t need to meet in person. Some people say it helps, but it’s unnecessary.
Imagine learning about sales in an MBA program that costs a ton of money. Do you think they teach this new way of meeting clients and closing sales deals? Do you think they recommend the option of selling huge sales orders while still in your underwear? Of course not! They are teaching what was true 20 years ago. They pretend they are up to date, but they are lying. Schools are a business, and changing what they teach takes so much effort and energy.
Ok, this school is known for being kind of a joke, but look at this. It’s an online university. Students pay thousands and thousands of dollars for their online business courses. It’s super popular. It’s INSANE. That link was directly to their business program. If you read it and believe it, then WOW. I don’t know what to tell you. I’m shocked anyone would think this is a good idea for the money. Shocked!!
The internet can change not only what articles we can read, but also who we can meet and how we can find them. You can find a job on the other side of the world by researching companies and contacting them DIRECTLY with your ideas, even if they don’t say they are currently looking for jobs. Then you can set up an interview. It doesn’t always work, but it often does. But people just insist on doing everything the old way, and getting pretty terrible results. They go on job websites and send their resume all over the place; often for low paying jobs they won’t even get.
Even many new sales jobs will require 5 years work experience and a long list of contacts. This made sense in the past, but why does anyone with talent need the contacts already? If they are confident and hardworking, they can contact anyone they want in any company. The internet makes us all have a huge network of business contacts if we are willing to use it properly.
I’m just talking about business and sales here, but this really applies to almost anything. The internet can change everything if we are creative enough to know how to use it; and I’m really not just talking about reading articles. I’m talking about in every way imaginable.
I hope I’m making more sense here… If not, let me know I’m a crazy madman in the comments! I love reading it all, good or bad
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