Crazy Story about Culture Differences

I’m living in an international city but I realized the last couple of days that I still have no idea about how important and HUGE cultural differences still are.

I’m a Canadian, and often, there isn’t much difference between a Canadian and an American.  It really depends on which part of the country you are from.  Many Americans ask me, “So, which part of the USA are you from”.

Yesterday I met an American guy and I felt like I was inside a movie.  It was hilarious.  America is such a diverse country and there are so many different kinds of people there.  This guy seemed like an EXACT character from a movie about George Bush.  It almost felt fake to me.  I couldn’t believe that I was really sitting there and talking to a guy like this.  It’s hard to explain unless you’ve experienced it.  We both speak the same language, but WOW, we almost couldn’t speak.  He was very emotional and we really didn’t know what to say to each other.  I tried not to laugh, but I failed.  It was crazy.  I wish I had this on video for you.  I like Americans, don’t get me wrong, I just couldn’t believe how different we were.  I wondered why.

The day before I met someone from Germany.  I know, and like, many people from Germany.   I actually liked this guy too but I noticed a huge emotional pain inside him.  I wondered what it was from.  During our conversation I realized that a lot of it is from World history.

One kind of weird thing about Canada is that we have a really boring history.  Basically, nothing happened.  We’ve never been attacked, we have the USA to protect us, and there is no one north, east, or west of us.

Everyone learns history in school, and we all learn different history.  I think this causes unbelievable misunderstandings and creates some pretty strong emotions about the past.

In Canada, we don’t learn too much history.  I can’t remember exactly what we were told, but I feel that I learned things like, “A lot of crazy and terrible wars happened, and no one really knows the truth, and probably people acted terribly towards each other, but we should try to somehow move on and forget the past”.

Now, I admit, it’s easy for a Canadian to learn this kind of thinking.  We have no horrible experience.  We can only read about it.  I do notice however, that when I meet people from many, not all, but many other countries, there is still a lot of hate.  People seem to know much more about history than us and it’s bothering them.  It makes sense for it to be this way but it’s really not helping anyone.  That’s my opinion anyway.  When 2 people from 2 countries learn different stories about history and both people “know” they are right, then they really can’t communicate.  It’s true that someone might be right or that they are both wrong.  The point is that it really doesn’t matter.  As a Canadian, I notice powerful emotions deep inside a lot of people.

I can see it within some Canadians too.  I think many Canadians hate feeling like America’s stupid little brother.  We have no identity and little world power.  I don’t know why but I just don’t care.  I hope for a better future and would love to use our brains, not emotions from history lessons, and come up with the solutions that this world badly needs.  I know it’s easy to say, but if we all keep thinking the other person is wrong, then no solution will ever happen.  We all need to be much more understanding or this world will never change.  Even if you are totally right, it’s still necessary to listen and respect the other person and what they experienced.  I think as humans, we should be smart enough to get to that point.

In some ways the world is getting better, in some ways it’s getting worse.  It just amazes me that it’s not always English that’s the problem, it’s how we are taught as kids and what we learn from our parents and grandparents.  One of the first steps is of course to have a common language in the world, but there is so much more work to be done it’s amazing.

I’d love to hear your comments on Facebook since I hate getting spam on here.   Also, check out the free VIP lessons if you haven’t tried them yet.  We’re trying to improve each day.  (This blog appearance needs to be fixed and it will.  I know.  Haha)

29 Responses to “Crazy Story about Culture Differences”

  1. Dominique Says:

    hi there! Sorry for not commenting on facebook, i don’t have a facebook profile, i don’t like facebook.
    But i had such a strong need to tell my mind:
    I’m not sure i agree with you, no offence but your point seems so irrelevant and inconsiderate. From my point of you, this is the kind of speech we usually hear from people with no interest in life than having fun and live their life, in other words self-centered;maybe concerned about family or friends, but nothing else..
    Well for me that’s not enough if you want to appear as someone who cares about other people history. You said, and i quote: “A lot of crazy and terrible wars happened, and no one really knows the truth, and probably people acted terribly towards each other, but we should try to somehow move on and forget the past”, but it seems to me that you haven’t even tried to understand people who felt that way, i mean emotionnaly hurt; You can’t just tell someone who has been seriously traumatized in a war, to let it go and forget it.. Anyway, it’s a shame i don’t have all the word in English to make my point…
    So, to cut everything short, i think when we say culture differences, it includes ‘differences’ which imply being able to get over and accept everything from people that kind of slowing down the process of…Sorry this language really starts to piss me off, i don’t have the word, but i believe you see my point. Sorry but you really sounds like someone who wants to show interest in people and culture or what so ever, but actually appears to be only interested in showing his audience that he is a really really caring,considerate and understanding person. It’s so fake. As you said, the world needs more honesty, you don’t have to fake interest, we still love your postcasts!

    One of your thousands fans, Dominique.

  2. Gisele Says:

    Hey Andy

    You cant imagine what you and Add have been doing has added some much value and fun to my life! I spend some fixed hours everyday to learn, while last few weekends I even stayed in and enjoyed myself reading and “reciting” some of the lessons. You know I have longed for becoming a native speaker (I admit I am okay with the grammatical side of English) before I may get to travel or even move to live in a different country probably in North America (who can know the outcome if we dont even have a dream!). However lately I am worried that if you guys will leave us and start doing something else (just yesterday checked your site and found this new blog has eased some of my concerns). I am going to have a birthday next Tuesday so this year the birthday gift I will buy for MYSELF is the VIP podcasts from you. One of my birthday wishes is that I hope you and Add and the family will stay stronger and receive much more success in the foreseeable future (you guys are giving a lot to people so you must receive a lot more in return!)

    Let’s Celebrate Everyday!
    Gisele (Hong Kong, 29-year old)

  3. needed Says:

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  4. needed Says:

    And to your point of culture deferences,I want to say history is not a simple thing that you just let it go and the rest of you will be ok!Many things we should think seriously,what we live for and how can I know whether right or wrong,add history.A proper way to deal with history is not to forget it but you should learn to know what the history can teach you,as a chinese sayings:”One can know the alteration of the society by viewing its history”

  5. passive Says:

    Hi Andy. I agree with you in each single word you said. People should forget the past, the wars and all the fights.
    I know it’s hard to say that, to whom has lost someone and get really hurt with this. But it’s necessary do that, if don’t, this feeling will become worst and worst and the only thing you going to think is in revenge.

    And then everything is going to start again, up to the point you don’t really know what’s the real reason it is happening, who started.

    It’s the same way i try to live my life forgiving people, saying why i think this is wrong and listen them. Sometimes was just a misurderstanding.
    Of course in the wars is much more complicate, it’s involved money, power. And who sufffer with this wars is people don’t have either of these.
    And who is in the power to do something , don’t do nothing, because is not affecting him. All i want to say is like Add already said.
    “We all need to be much more understanding or this world will never change”

  6. Fio Says:

    Hey there!

    I’m cheating a bit since I’m a native, but I use your podcasts for class sometimes.
    I do understand what you’re saying, and you mean well, but equally it’s difficult for you to understand how other cultures feel and operate if you´ve never had to deal with conflict.
    History is part of who we are, it’s what makes each country unique and special in their customs, behaviour, and mentality. I don’t agree that we should forget history and what it’s taught us and where it’s brought us, however I do agree that you shouldn’t harbour hatred for another individual purely based on the fact that they are from such and such a country.
    Take my country for example, Scotland. The fact that we are still basically an English colony really rubs us up the wrong way. If you call me English, you might well end up wearing my drink (depending on how many I’ve had!). We are a fiercely proud nation, proud of our heritage, our ancestry, our traditions, many of which were prohibited (along with our language) when England kicked our asses all those hundreds of years ago. We are not Anglos, we are Celts, not even the same race as our conquerors. We are still striving for independance to this day, albeit peacefully. Northern Ireland is another example, although I’m not going to go into it now.
    These facts shape Scottish culture, our very personalities, and makes each one of us Scots so very different from any other culture. I don´t hate the English, I have many English friends, but I would never ever turn my back on our history, or the fire in my heart when I talk about Scotland (I’m actually an expat like you, I´ve been away for 8 years).
    Take England, who ruled half the world at one point. The English people have an air of superiority, probably always will have, and why shouldn’t they? Ok, they don’t own half the world now, but only because they gave it back, not because it was taken from them. This history shapes the way that they behave as a country towards other countries, the views they hold towards other countries. This is neither bad or good, it just is.
    Spanish culture is another interesting one; after so many years of repression under a communist rule, and a civil war, in the last 50 years they have transformed into one of the most open, accepting and fun cultures in the world! If it hadn´t been for their history, they might never have become the carefree, fun-loving and freedom-for-all type culture they are today.

    So, in conclusion, the world would be a very grey place if history and the culture that is built on it was erased from our minds. How would the world work if there was no diversity, no differences of opinion, of ideas, or different views of the world?

    keep up the good work! XX

  7. Fio Says:

    Sorry, that was a bit longer than I intended it to be…..

  8. china232 Says:

    Thanks for all the comments guys. I really don’t want to sound like I have all the answers to how the world should be because I know I don’t. I also think it’s great we can share our opinions like adults. I think my main point is that the stuff we learn in history class has a major impact on today’s world. Maybe a much bigger impact than we can imagine. I don’t think we should forget the past, but I do think we can do a much better job in global communication. The other point is that we learn “different pasts” from our own history books and we all think we’re right. Many countries aren’t even talking to each other right now. When everyone thinks they’re right, regardless of the real truth, nothing will change.

    I hope one thing we can all agree on is that we’d like to see a better future for this whole world.

  9. Rema Hnamte Says:

    Hi, Andy. It’s been interesting to read your blogs. I think you are one of the luckiest persons for being a Canadian, because basically, nothing ‘happened’ in your history! Well, Dominique is right when he says you don’t have to ‘fake’ interest, because you DON”T fake it. Just be happy for being America’s stupid little brother!

  10. Ivo Says:

    Hi Andy,
    I agree with you about the crucial need for us to be more self-critical.
    Most problems stem from this fact anf from the proud of nearly each of us.
    If everyone always think to be absolutely right, as well as if we don’t try to put ourselves in the place of somebody else, we’ll never get important progress

  11. Samantha Says:

    Hi, Andy I am quite agree with you. Sometimes we can draw a lesson from the history and the history makes us know better about what happened about our home before we came to the world. However, people shouldn’t isolate his world to those who may live in different history backgroud. Acctually we can share our past and different culture to people from different places, which not only can drive to live a more peace life but also can expose people to new things.

  12. Fio Says:

    I agree. we need to be more tolerant of the fact that we do not all share the same opinion. In many cases both sides are right, for their own reasons. If you can’t read from the same hymn sheet, then agree to disagree, and change the subject; think of the solution and not the problem.

  13. Maguinho Says:

    Hi guys,
    I don’t think that we should forget the past and history. As it was said above, a lot of changing is going on around the world and it’s necessary to look at history to understand. Maybe because you are not from a country with wars and a hard time, you can not realise how important the past is from a country. I’m from Brazil, and we have our own history of being colonized and explored by another country from many years. I had the opportunity to live in Ireland and I know that the Irish people are still living their dreams and history nowadays. You can’t take it off from them, it’s part of their skin, their blood. They are still looking for changing their future working hard, but they will not forget the past.
    What everybody wishes in commom of course, is a better word !!!

  14. john Says:

    I want to learn more
    america current words and expressions,
    Meanwhile to know how to speak them correctly.

  15. Denis Says:

    Andy and brother, by now I am really sleepy to give some comment back to you guys, and after drinking a glass of wine, you can imagine that, but I promise that I will read and give some feedback. Night!!!

  16. marmora Says:

    Hi guys,how are you?thank you so much for your useful writtings,realy it helps me in my English learning.Iagree with you in the idea of the difference between people because of thier cultures ,of course if we sit with tow persons one of them suffered alot in his life because of wars in his contry and the other didnt see any of that all his life,we will find that every one of them has adiffernt attituds and ideas and emotins.Unles you see something you will not believe in it or you will not feel it.

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