Should we Make This Legal?

In last week’s US election, a lot more happened than just Obama winning again.

One interesting thing that happened was legalization of the recreational use of marijuana in some states like Colorado.  (Recreational use means “for fun”)

For most issues, people don’t get to choose what they want directly.  They instead vote for which leaders they think share similar beliefs.  Sometimes, however, they will ask a specific question to the voters of certain states.

In Colorado, they asked the voters something like, “Should marijuana be legal for recreational use?”  Just so you know, marijuana is the green plant drug that people smoke.  It’s often called pot or weed.  Millions of Americans and Canadians (and people in other countries) smoke weed for fun anyway.  You might think that is a good thing or a terrible thing, but it’s a fact…

Anyway, the majority of voters in Colorado voted for legalizing weed for people over the age of 21.  The government would sell it, tax it, and use the money to educate people better about the real affects of this drug use.

In many societies, weed is considered a drug, and all drugs are bad.  That’s about as far as the thinking goes.  In fact, many scientific studies have shown that cigarettes and alcohol are even worse for people’s long term health than smoking marijuana.

The idea is that since the government can’t stop people from smoking it anyway, they might as well make it legal.  No one knows what exactly will happen once it’s legalized.

People who believe legalization is a good idea think it will be safer, raise more money for the government through taxes, stop violence from people selling drugs, and stop police from throwing people in jail for a silly reason like smoking weed.  Even if it’s not healthy to smoke weed, it’s hard to argue that people who do it should live in jail.

People who think it’s a bad idea believe that more and more people will start smoking weed because the government is almost saying that “it’s ok” to smoke weed.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.  Remember, alcohol and cigarettes are drugs too, so if you say that drugs should be illegal, you should say why you think alcohol and cigarettes should still be legal.

There is no right or wrong answer here, it’s just for improving your English writing.  Please keep up with the thoughtful comments and I’ll keep blogging.  I love reading what you guys say and I can see your English improving a lot.

By the way, we’ve been talking about a lot of really interesting and modern topics lately in the VIP room.   Just thought you might want to know…   Keep up the thoughtful comments guys!



28 Responses to “Should we Make This Legal?”

  1. katarzyna Says:

    I’m ok with that but it should be super expensive so that not all could afford it, and then would bo more tax money earned for state.

  2. china232 Says:

    Thanks Katarzyna,

    I’m curious about how high you’d want to make the tax? I just want to remind people that it can’t be too high, or else no one would buy from the government. It’s very easy to grow and that’s what people do already.

    Thanks again!

  3. Sergio Rodrigues Says:

    I can’t understand what good the legalization of marijuana could do. On the contrary, I think that it only lead to the increase of using the heavier drugs, such as cocaine, heroine, crack, etc.
    I would only admit this measure for medicinal use, if really proved the positive effects of mariajuana for this purpose.

  4. Masayuki Says:

    In Japan, there is an increase in traffic accident by toxicated drivers. Of course, smoking marijuana is illegal here. But some kind of drags that have circumvented the law are sold from the vending machine. They are sold as incense to burn, but real usage is to smoke.

  5. Ali Says:

    I am Ok with it.
    The only downside is its smell!! It sticks in my opinion and I really hope people only take it in their homes (Not in a public place, street, etc.).
    Sometimes, when we walk on the street in Vancouver, BC, we can smell it almost everywhere;)
    The key is moderation!

    Thanks guy. You are awesome.

  6. RK Says:

    I am a Japanese.
    In Japan, any kind of drugs including marijuana are illegal.
    In Japan, if you smoke marijuana, you have to go to a jail.
    I don’t know , but as scientific studies have shown that marijuana may be less harmful than cigarette tobacco, but you can’t say that it’s completely harmless.
    Society would fall into ruin if we legalized marijuana.

  7. china232 Says:

    Thanks for the comments guys.

    RK, I’m curious, why would “society fall into ruin if we legalized marijuana”.

    It’s already legal in the Netherlands. They aren’t in ruins.

    Just curious and thanks again.

  8. Hanjoo Says:

    I say the price on marijuana should be low enough that people would choose to rather buy it than grow it on their own. In this case, the government may collect less tax, but it will better portray the actual sale and the amount of marijuana being used for recreational purposes. Just how cigarette smoking is allowed in limiting areas, limit the areas for marijuana smoking and place a huge fine on those who violate.
    Basically, make it easy to obtain it, but difficult to use and maintain it.

  9. rj Says:

    I totally do not agree with that. the socity is gotta be crazy if marijuana comes to the market legally. I had a friend we had been working toget in Australia. he was a totally marijuana addict. the guy looked normal from his behavior or talking. but he just kept forgetting thinks and wants to back ot home get high. he was actually over 21.

    Some of those people will get out of control if the goverment makes that legal.

  10. Flora Says:

    I once had some neibors who smoked pot sometimes during weekends, and to be frank, I really don’t like that smell. The scientific facts are that second hand smoking do more harm to people than smoking directly, which means when someone smokes, other people will suffer more. I think weeds may be worse.

    The only good thing I should admit for legalizing pot is the violence and crimes related to this drug will be less, and so it could benefit the living communities and the people.

  11. china232 Says:

    Thanks guys,

    Just a couple of points I want to make.

    1. If it’s legal it doesn’t mean that it’s legal everywhere. It certainly won’t be. Cigarette smoking is legal, but it’s not legal everywhere. I imagine something similar will happen with weed. (By the way, it’s incorrect to say “weeds”)

    2. Just because someone knows one person or some people who smoke weed, it’s dangerous to form an entire opinion based on that. Isn’t it better to listen to doctors and other experts in the medical community? Many people use weed safely for cancer pain. Different people react very differently to this. Some people relax from smoking weed. Some people prefer to have a couple of beers after work. Is the beer drinker somehow better? Remember, some people abuse weed. Some people also abuse alcohol. Does anyone believe all things that “can be abused” should be illegal everywhere?

    Thanks for all your thoughtful comments!

  12. Xavier Says:

    My question is, this legalization is to make people happy by smoking Marijuana or due to the Government has deficit budget so this is a solution to finance education “educate people” as you told above?. We are talking on the topic must be in context. US has a very significant difference compares to developing countries. Good system like US can do everything as for legalization of Marijuana as an instance. BUT, if this applies to Poor countries, I give you guys a full consent to figure out how much negative impacts will come up with this kind of policy.


  13. Dementoryea Says:

    In my view, legalization of marijuana is going to have a good impact in societies.
    For one, marijuana is not addictive. For example, when I was in the U, I smoked marijuana for its own sake almost everyday, and now I don’t do it and I don’t have any of the so called pathologies. Regardless this, there are many people who don’t believe that this is the case and don’t allow themselves to see beyond this nose. Anyway, I am a living case that contradict them all and I live a nice live without weed.
    Secondly, marijuana changes the way you look at live and society. For instance, I have a friend who before he tested it, he used to demonize all those who smoke pot simply because he thought he knew what marihuana is about only from what he was told to think. When he tested it, this allowed him to embrace differences and let him be more joy.
    Following this look at the pros of marijuana, I think that people are going to awake a new consciousness about nature and are going to develop a new culture about drugs.

  14. Hanjoo Says:

    I agree with Dementoryea. Just because it’s been pictured as an addictive and a hazardous “drug” doesn’t mean that it’s going to have only negative influence on the society. Yes, some people abuse it and bum around their house all day, and it’s true that the smell of marijuana smoke is somewhat disturbing or even offensive to people around it. But, aren’t alcohol and cigarette smoking the same?
    As long as the individuals are responsible and the government sets boundaries to reinforce the responsibility, I don’t think it’ll do more harm than the drugs that are already legalized in today’s society.

  15. sung Says:

    nobody know what is true..
    everybody has there own way of seeing the world and things
    based on their own expereience..or a lot of message around them.
    just my opinion is making them free to do what they want
    if they are adult!!! based on their conscience and knowledge
    it’s there choice if it’s not harmful to others
    they have their own right to keep their own body and soul..
    leave all to their own decision
    if they are adult providing not hurting others
    thanks for nice topic!!!keep going on ..///////////////

  16. Maribel Says:

    I think legallization may not change paople consumpsion and their attitude to drugs, but it may encourage some people to set a business on it and try to make money through selling it. This might affect society and people as a result. If just selling could be considered illegal it would have been mmore acceptable.

  17. china232 Says:

    Thanks Maribel.

    I think the idea is that now the government will control selling the weed. They will tax and control the industry. Right now, many people sell weed illegally. Once the weed becomes legal, the businesses will be somewhat controlled by the government and taxed properly. Also, now that it’s legal, it won’t be such a great business for making huge money. Most of it will go to the government in tax. People made much more money before when it was illegal since the sellers were taking on a big risk. Now there is no risk with selling, so the sellers won’t make much money as before. It will just be a normal business where hard work pays off.

  18. arezoo Says:

    In my country drags and alcohol are illegal.But people use both allot;especially in parties most of teenagers use different kind of them.Unfortunately, it’s a political way to calm the people and exploit them.You know it’s clear, when something is illegal in a society and that is more and easy to find,the government directly interfere in that.
    I hope the UN will do something for my country(IRAN).

  19. somi Says:

    As you know, all of these materials have very bad effects on human body. I think it doesn’t matter that the use of them is legal or not, but it is important, People conclude that they have no need to use them and this requires a cultural work.

  20. olga Says:

    I remember, when I was teenager sometimes with my father , we were walking in the street, and we smelled this horrible odor, my father, just told me this weed is not good, see these guys doing stupid thing, smell bad, and all the usually lecture you know… after I tried it, youn know between friends, only one weed but I couldn’t , It was really disgust for me …I think ,all is education at home, this can legal if the government have a good plan for assume that

  21. Carina Says:

    In my opinion, people should have right to decide if the wanna smoke marihuana or not, the same like with cigarettes. Of course, it’s harmful. But people should be clever enough not to abuse it. If they are not, no law will help them. If it does, let’s make being an alcoholic illegal.
    Anyway, give people a choice, let them make an own desicion and take responsibility for that. I think that the government shouldn’t be overprotective in this case.
    On the other hand, maybe it’s like a forbidden fruit… and after legallization less people will smoke weed?

  22. katarzyna Says:

    if that’s possible then, state should make selling legal (over 21 and like on cigarettes with large note SMOKING is KILLING) but grew it by people their own illegal, otherwise there is no sense to make it legal, because there going to be a bunch of people “on high” and only couple bucks in state pocket
    in this case tax and price should be 50% higher then on cigarrets

  23. Bhaskar Says:

    Who wants marijuana will buy definitely whether it is legal or illegal, then what’s the problem with legalization, but one thing I’m sure that only with legalization, there will be no black market and who wants to buy it can buy without fear and the sellers sell it without fear of cops. It has negative aspects also; for instance, if it is illegal, it will not be available for every one, so there is a possibility for many people to avoid it, but when it is legal, everyone has a chance to get it. So, there is a need for government to make the necessary arrangements to make the people aware of its adverse effects.

  24. Meemoo Says:

    I’m with you, but alcohol and cigarettes very bad for the mind and body. It is my view that alcohol and cigarettes remain forbidden and taboo, especially for students.

  25. Morteza Says:

    I totally disagree with the fact of making any kind of drugs legal. I believe it’s a tricky policy for the government to take advantage of people, especially the youth, in many different ways.
    I don’t know what you guys believe but whichever way you look at it it’s not sensible. We are totally responsible for this healthy body that God has given us and we have to be trustee keepers.
    Looking at it in a different perspective, it’s just crazy to harm your own body. It always gets me by surprise that how many people care about brushing their teeth or not eating fast-food because they don’t want to harm their body but they easily keep drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes as if they don’t have any idea about how harmful they are for their health.
    It’s just crazy to harm your body for fun (recreational). Why not drinking a hot cup of coffee with some friends and catching up for recreational. As I said earlier, it’s a tricky policy to take advantage of people – demanding higher taxes, exploiting them, making them believe it’s not so harmful after all otherwise it wouldn’t have been legal.
    Anyway, as they say :’A man’s apple is another man’s poison.’
    Thank you guys for your great blogs and valuable efforts.

  26. Robert Says:

    I’ve start smoking weed when I was fifteen. At that time almost everyone was smoking in my neighborhood so felt a bit pressure to do it too.
    I will never forget the first time I smoke it with my cousin. That day we promised that we’ll never take any other drugs than marijuana. We were so wrong, it only took a few months before we got bored and start taking heavy drugs like speed, lcd, magic mushrooms you name it. Some how I managed to control it and only take drugs occasionally on the night out. I wasn’t addicted but many of my friends were and some of them died or ruined their life. Today I’m completely clean and will never go back it. I’ve got two sons and i will do everything to protect them from it.
    From my experience I don’t think that legalizing marijuana will be a wise move as this will encourage more people to try it, that may lead to more broken lives.


  27. paqo Says:

    From Spain, 54 years old.

    This, as much others, is a very controversial issue to deal with and never everybody will agree with the final taken decision.
    Something that is clear is that nobody wants to see his/her children coming into the cannabis’ consumers circle. All of us know how big the criminal problems generated by weed could be: Mafias occupying streets, making a lot of different criminal actions (creating terror, robbing, assassinating) or going to the school gates to take young victims.
    From my understanding, and in spite of there are a lot of reasons against, the legalization could be beneficial in the long term. Legalization could make a legal business around it and create richness and opportunities for many people, getting new jobs, both in production and in distribution areas. Taxes would be paid and quality controls of products could be done. The government may issue regulations to protect the citizen rights to those that did not want to consume marijuana as well as the others that want to.

  28. Fernando Says:

    I am with Robert (see above November 16th, 2012 at 3:59 pm). That really matters. Who thinks differently intends to get other things. Your efforts deserve congratulations.

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