International English Learning – Please Help

Hey guys,

Add and I are looking to make this site as international as possible.  As you probably can guess, it’s very difficult for us to find all the people who would benefit from our site.  This is clearly an advanced English learning program, but many non native speakers search for lessons using their native language.  I could use an “automatic Google translator” but automatic translators suck because you can’t trust them to translate words into how people really speak.

We’d like to try an experiment with 10 languages, but we need your kind help.  We’re making some ads for Google in foreign languages.  (Please don’t click on them if you see them because we have to pay for it!  Lol :)

So, the question is, if you were a person looking for a site exactly like ours, what would you type into Google (in your native language)  What do you think many people would type in (In your language)  Remember, we need only people who would have a high chance of liking the website and people who can already understand English well enough to read and use an all English website.

If you have a minute to help us, we’d be very grateful.  Please tell us a few searches “in your actual language” and the basic translation in English.  Thanks so much guys!  (Please tell us the language too because many languages look so different and we don’t know which is which)  Remember, these are the words you would guess people would type into a site like Google with the hope of finding our type of website.  Stuff like “Advanced English Lessons” would be ok.  Stuff like “Learn English” may be ok too.  We also want terms that many people search.  Thanks so much!

Here are the  10 starting languages we’d like your help with for search suggestions:

a)  Russian

b)  Korean

c)  Japanese

d)  Spanish

e)  Portuguese

f)  German

g)  French

h)  Italian

i)  Polish

j)  Thai

Thanks again and looking forward to reading your answers guys.  You are the best!

Andy and Add :)

57 Responses to “International English Learning – Please Help”

  1. Maribel Says:

    Hi guys, here is the first comment of Farsi language. We usually type these words’ combination “advance English lessons free ” or “improving conversation” which is in Farsi like:
    دروس آموزش زبان انگليسي رايگان
    تقويت مكالمه
    I don’t know if it’s what you are lookjng for or not. I hope it was helpful.

  2. Buba Says:

    Hi, guys! First of all you’re awesome!! I really enjoy your lessons, they help me a lot!
    And I’d love to help you as much as I could))
    It’s Russian:
    Уроки разговорного английского means “spoken English lessons”
    Бесплатные уроки английского means “free English lessons”
    Скачать аудио уроки английского бесплатно means “download audio English lessons for free”

    That’s what I would type to find your website)
    Hope it was helpful))

  3. Giampaolo Titotto Says:

    lezioni di inglese online / gratis / avanzato

    online / free / advanced English lessons

    That’s the most common google search in Italian as far as I can see
    Hope it helps friendsfriends

  4. steven Says:

    hi all, in Vietnamese i would type ” hoc tieng anh doi thuong” , in English it means something like” learn real life english”. Hope this Vietnam , with 100 million people use internet, tutoring English online is catching on very fast with young people but they often prefer free websites.( you could let other company advertise on your site to make profit instead of asking them to join the Vip section). just my guess.

  5. sung Says:

    hi..china 232
    you are really exciting about improving your works.
    that’s great, everybody should love that kind of efforts .
    i found actually your site with english key words several years ago.
    i don’t remember which key words i used

    our native people might try to serach GOOD ENGLISH SITE

    but i believe most people try to find with english key words
    if they could really enjoy and understand
    some kind of high-level english-materials
    like your talk-show-like english learning material
    , which i want you keep that way.
    thanks!! ////////////////sung

  6. rute barcelos Says:

    hi Guys! you are amazing!i am glad to help you. my mother language is portuguese.
    Advanced english lessons= lições de inglês avançado
    free english lessons= lições de inglês gratuitas
    download audio english lessons for free= download lições de inglês gratuitas (versão audio).

    hugs and success!

  7. MMS Says:

    This is a popular search term in Persian:
    تقویت مکالمه زبان انگلیسی

    Which means “Improving English Conversation.”

  8. Andrew Maksimov Says:


    In Russian I would try
    1) “обучение английскому языку” – learning english
    2) “английский язык онлайн” – english online

  9. china232 Says:

    Thanks so much guys! Please keep these awesome search terms coming! Thanks:)

  10. Pavel Says:

    In Russian
    1) уроки английского онлайн (english lessons online)
    2) английский онлайн (english online)
    3) разговорный английский онлайн (conversational english online)
    4) английский для бизнесменов онлайн (business english online)

    The keywords are “english online” (английский онлайн). Sometimes guys use “он лайн” or “он-лайн” instead of “онлайн” (“on line”, “on-line” instead of “online”).


  11. china232 Says:

    Thanks Pavel, that’s great!

  12. Wanessa Says:

    Hey Guys!! You’re always so amazing! I really admire your effort and joyfull spirit, which can be felt in every lesson and in each news in your site. It’s gonna be awesome to help you as much as I can.

    Podcasts gratuitos para aprender inglês means “Free podcasts to learn english”
    Aulas de inglês gratuitas means “Free lessons to learn English”
    Podcasts gratuitos means “free podcasts”
    Advanced english lessons means “aulas de inglês avançadas”

    Hope that’s can be helpful. A huge hug!!

  13. Wanessa Says:


    I forgot to say that without the term ‘free’ I would type to find your website the following terms:

    Aprenda inglês online means “Learn English online”

    “Learn Real English with Podcast” means Aprenda Inglês Real com Podcasts.

    A huge hug from Brazil! =)

  14. Karolina Says:

    here are some expressions in brazilian portuguese:
    - aulas de inglês online = online english lessons
    - inglês avançado = advanced english
    - aulas grátis de inglês = free english lessons
    - aprender inglês = learn english
    good luck!

  15. china232 Says:

    Thanks everyone for pitching in and helping us out! Keep it up. It’s amazing! I can’t say thanks enough.

  16. Andrea Mio Says:

    Hi guys,
    here some expressions in German:
    Konversation Englisch für Fortgeschrittene = ESL advanced conversation
    Online Englisch-Konversation für Fortgeschrittene = advanced English conversation on line
    Englisch lernen mit Podcasts = learn English by podcasts
    Englisch lernen durch zuhören und Podcasts = learn English by listening and podcasts

  17. Mona Says:

    wow.. that’s a great idea i can give you some expressions in Arabic my own language.

    دروس إنجليزي أون لاين=English lessons online
    تحدث الإنجليزية بطلاقة=speak English fluently
    إنجليزية للمتقدمين=advanced English
    تعلم الإنجليزية بواسطة الملفات الصوتية=learn English by podcasts
    محادثات باللغة الانجليزيةعلى الأنترنت= English conversations online
    دروس باللغة الانجليزية مجانا= free English lessons
    hope that’s useful and thank you for your efforts to us

  18. Eugenio Quintana Says:

    Hi guys!

    My native language is Spanish and I found you by iTunes. I was looking for podcast and I don’t remember very well but I think your podcast appeared as a recomendation in other podcast. Maybe it is a good idea asociate your webpage with other similar ones and by this way you can have more audience. Any way, some key word for learners like me could be:

    “podcast para mejorar mi inglés” -> podcast for improving my english
    “mejorar mi inglés hablado”-> improve my speaking english
    “material de ayuda para preparar test internacionales” support material to prepare international tests.
    “podcast entretenidos para aprender inglés (intermedio o avanzado)” entertaining material to learn (intermediate o advanced) english.

    I wish it was helpful

  19. Andrea Says:

    Hi guys!

    My native language is Spanish and some possible useful phrases could be…

    “Download English lessons for free” “Bajar lecciones de inglés gratis”
    “Download podcasts” “Bajar podcasts”
    “Free English lessons” “Lecciones de inglés gratis”
    “Learn English” “Aprender inglés”
    “Practise English” “Practicar inglés”
    “Improve English” “Mejorar inglés”
    “Advanced English lessons” “Lecciones de inglés avanzadas”

    Hope it helps… good luck!!

  20. Ayman Says:

    There is a website presents the similar you can go and check it . I guess it will so helpful.The website is called

  21. Ayman Says:

    There is a website presents the similar idea you can go and check it . I guess it will so helpful.The website is called

  22. Ayman Says:

    There is a website presents the similar idea you can go and check it . I guess it will be so helpful.The website is called

  23. Renata Says:

    My native language is Polish. Here you are some frazes in Polish:

    Advanced English Lessons – angielski dla zaawansowanych
    Free English lessons – bezpłatne lekcje angielskiego

    Hope it’ll be useful . But , as Sung up here “..I believe most people try to find with English key words if they could really enjoy and understand some kind of high-level English-materials…”

    Anyway GOOD LUCK

  24. Silvana Says:

    Hi guys!

    Before sending my suggestions, I’d like to thank you for the amazing help you guys have given to me and many people around the world. Your podcasts are interesting, funny and very helpful.

    So, here are some key words in Portuguese:

    English podcasts – podcasts em inglês
    Free English lessons – Lições de inglês grátis
    Online English courses – Cursos de inglês online
    English lessons – aulas de inglês
    Learn English from native speakers – Aprenda inglês com nativos
    Study English online – Estude inglês online
    Learn English online – Aprenda inglês online

    If you need more, just ask me.

    Greetings from Brazil,


  25. andrzej Says:

    Hi there,
    I’m Polish and here some Polish phrases that may be interesting for somebody who looks for lessons like yours.
    Real-life English lessons for free – Lekcje naturalnego angielskiego za darmo
    Everyday English for life – Codzienny angielski dla kazdego
    Speak English like a native – Mów po angielsku jak po polsku
    Hope that helps

  26. R Says:

    English podcasts – 英会話 or 英語 ポッドキャスト
    Free English lessons – 無料英会話レッスン
    Effective Learning English – 効果的な英語学習
    Online English courses – オンライン 英語コース
    English lessons – 英語レッスン
    Learn English from native speakers – ネイティブから英語を学ぶ
    Study English online – オンライン 英語の勉強
    Learn English online – オンラインで英語を学ぶ

  27. R Says:

    My native language is Japanese.

  28. farzaneh Says:

    hey Guys!!
    You are awesome! keep up the good job !
    I can give you the most popular searching keywords in Farsi language :

    Free English lessons = آموزش رایگان زبان انگلیسی
    improving the spoken English language = آموزش مکالمه زبان انگلیسی

    Hope they would be useful!
    BTW! I came across Ur site via one the Persian Bloggers who introduced Ur world to me!

  29. Anna Says:

    Hi! I’m Polish and I think people here can search this kind of site using words and statements like: “teksty po angielsku” – text in english, “wymowa angielska” – english pronunciation, but I agree with Renata – majority searches sites by google using english words. If we use our native language we find mainly polish sites (polish schools of english, etc.) not native speaker’s. My english is poor but I found your excellent site. Thanks for what you do for us!

  30. akofe Says:

    Dear guys,
    My native language is french. Here is I can say:
    English lessons: leçon d’anglais;
    Foreign language: langue étrangère
    english learning progrogram: programme d’étude d’anglais

  31. david Says:

    Hey what’s up, guys!

    Some very useful phrases in Slovak that relate to your site are (translation goes literally to help you understand the exact meaning) :
    angličtina pre pokročilých – English for Advance (users, people – it’s a noun)
    pokročilá angličtina – advanced English
    online angličtina – online English
    ako sa naučím angličtinu cez internet – how to learn English on the internet
    učíme sa angličtinu cez internet – we learn English on the internet
    pokročilá angličtina cez internet – advanced English on the internet
    dobrá angličtina na internete – good English on the internet
    kde sa zdokonaliť angličtinu – where to improve English
    angličtina na internete zadarmo – English on the internet for free
    anglický kurz, chcem vedieť rozprávať, kde? – English course, I want to know speak, where?
    mind you this is totally literally ;)

    hope that helps
    should you have any further info or questions, please feel free to ask :)

  32. Pascal Says:

    In French it could be stuff like :

    apprendre l’anglais (learn English)
    apprendre l’anglais en ligne (learn English online)
    podcasts anglais (Podcasts in English)
    leçons d’anglais (English lessons)
    apprendre l’anglais gratuitement (learn English for free)
    leçons d’anglais gratuites (free English lessons)
    améliorer son anglais (improve your English)
    pratique de l’anglais parlé (Spoken English practice)

    Hope this will be of help.

  33. toma Says:

    The Russian language.
    разговорный английский (conversational English)
    уроки английского ( The English lessons)
    изучение английского языка ( learning of English)
    аудио уроки по английскому языку (audio lessons in the English language)

  34. Noah Park Says:

    Hi guys.

    토익스피킹 – TOEIC SPEAKING
    오픽 – OPIc



  35. Adan E Says:

    Some words could be: Spanih-English
    Audio curso de inglés = English audio course
    aprendo ingles = learn English
    Escuchar y hablar = listening and speaking
    Clases de Inglés mp3 = mp3 english lessons
    aprender ingles rapido with audio = learn English fast with audio
    mejora tu ingles = Improve your English

    hope that helps

  36. ramiro Says:

    Hi guys, well, despite your lessons are advanced i think that people in my native language (which is spanish) may write something in english like:
    English lessons
    English podcast
    This is not very difficult to write, even if your level is really basic. On the other hand, in spanish, they may write something like:
    Lecciones de inglés
    Podcast de inglés
    Como mejorar mi nivel de ingles
    Mp3 de inglés
    Audios en inglés

    Good luck guys.

  37. Argenis Says:

    Hi Guys

    Thanks a lot fro your excellent job

    My native language is spanish and others useful phrases to find a website like yours could be.

    Real english conversations= Conversasiones reales en ingles

    Native english speakers conversations= Conversaciones de nativos del idioma ingles

    Speak like a native english speaker= hable como un nativo del idioma ingles

  38. Sanchai Says:

    Hi guys,

    First, i’d like to thank you for the really good lesson. It’s different, fun and pretty much helpful. Here is some opinion from Thai. Hope it would help. :)

    Advanced English Lessons บทเรียนภาษาอังกฤษระดับสูง (For advanced lesson people probably search in english, I guess)
    Study English Online เรียนภาษาอังกฤษออนไลน์
    Learn English เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ
    English Lesson บทเรียนภาษาอังกฤษ

    Good luck

  39. Laura Says:

    Hey guys, I would love to help you too! Here I have some expressions in german:

    englisch lernen wie Muttersprachler / learning english like a native speaker
    englisch sprechen wie ein Muttersprachler / speaking english like a native speaker

    englisch lernen durch hören kostenlos /learning english by listening for free

    englisch lernen durch videos kostenlos /learning english through videos for free

    englisch für Fortgeschrittene /english for advanced learner

    effektiv englisch lernen / learning english effective

    englisch flüssig sprechen lernen / learning fluent english

    Hope I can help!

  40. violet Says:

    Hey there

    As a suggestion in farsi lng,it would be typed as “دانلود رایگان فایل صوتی مکالمات روزمره به زبان انگلیسی” or “مکالمات غیر رسمی یا خیابانی به زبان انگلیسی”

    Thanks for your genius ideas.

  41. Petronela Says:

    I’m Romanien and here some romanien phrases that may be interesting for somebody who looks for lessons like yours.
    English lessons for free – lectii de Engleza pe gratis
    Everyday English for life – In fiecare zi Engleza pentru viata
    Speak English like a native – Vorbeste engleza ca un nativ
    Hope that help you gays

  42. Igor Says:

    In Russian
    разговорный английский от носителей языка бесплатно = conversational English from native speakers for free
    скачать аудио уроки “живого” английского = download audio lessons “alive” English

  43. FERNANDO Says:

    I’m Brazilian and i would suggest you to write something like …COM MELHORAR MINHAS HABILIDADES EM INGLES.If you translate into english ,we could say…HOW TO IMPROVE MY ENGLISH SKILLS?.That’s it!!!I hope that has helped you guys!!!!

  44. Pavel Says:

    Additionaly, here some Russian sentences:

    “Подкасты на английском” – podcasts in English
    “Диалоги на английском” – dialogies in English
    “английский идиомы” – English idioms

  45. Hamid Reza Says:

    Hey guys,
    Here is a Persian keyword:
    آموزش زبان انگلیسی رایگان=English Learning Lessons Free

  46. Parya Says:

    Hey guys ,Thanks for your awesome website !
    In persian(Farsi) language i would suggest this >> download free auido English lessons=دانلود رایگان دروس صوتی انگلیسی‌

  47. Parya Says:

    I just read your comment on facebo0k which was * What are some good search terms without “free” ‘in the search? *
    so i would suggest >>
    download english podcasts lessons=دانلود دروس صوتی انگلیسی‌

  48. reza Says:

    I like to type English on Google but in Persian like:
    آموزش رایگان انگلیسی به صورت آنلاین
    (free online learning English)
    the most popular language in Iran is English so sometime time we use(زبان :language)instead of English.

  49. JOSE MEJIAS Says:

    Hi, Friends

    In Spanish:

    Aprender Ingles Gratis = English Learning Lessons Free
    Podcast en Ingles = English Podcast
    Podcast Gratis para aprender Ingles = Free podcasts to learn english
    Mejor manera de aprender Ingles = Best way to learn English
    Como aprender Ingles real = How to learn real English


  50. Karolina Says:

    Polish sentences:

    Lekcje angielskiego online- English lessons online
    Zaawansowany poziom angielskiego-advanced Level English
    Ucz się angielskiego przez słuchanie-learn English by podcasts
    Interesujący angielski blog- Interesting English Blog
    Darmowe lekcje angielskiego- free English lessons
    Ściągaj za darmo lekcje angielskiego – download free audio English lessons
    I hope that’s useful!!! :)

  51. anonymous Says:

    advance english learning by listening

  52. cem Says:

    here are some expressions in Turkish:
    - online ingilizce dersleri = online english lessons
    - ileri seviye ingilizce = advanced english
    - ücretsiz ingilizce dersleri = free english lessons
    - ingilizce öğren = learn english
    good luck!

  53. Grace Says:

    Hey, guys! I’m one of your listeners from Korea. I’m really happy and excited to get a chance to help you some ways! :-)

    For the last a couple of years, my country’s English approach is getting different, which means we’re getting know of the importance of speaking, not reading or grammar skill.
    So I bet your business would go super well if it’s widely advertised in Korea. :-)

    Anyways, in my opinion, most of Koreans would type that kinds of words:

    - 미드로 영어공부 (Studying with American Drama or Sitcom)
    - 영어회화 (English Conversation)
    - 일상영어회화 (Daily English Conversation)
    - 미국식 영어발음 (American English Accent)
    - 네이티브 발음 (Native Pronunciation)- (네이티브) 스피킹 ( (Native) Speaking )

    These following four words is KEY WORDS!
    -미드: American Drama or Sitcom
    -영어: English
    -네이티브: Native
    -스피킹: Speaking

    Thanks, Andy and Add!
    Hope it could be a little help for you guys!

  54. Serguei Says:

    Hiya AB!!

    Smashing – keep this up,please!

    In Russian i think of the word “Aнглийский” (English) and it would be the keyword to cover the whole thing when anyone is looking up for the great stuff like yours :)

    I’ve lived in Spain for over 22 years so i tend to think the “Aprende Ingles” (Learn English) would pop up on top of the list.

    Do you also teach how to play ice hockey in Asia? ;)

    Cheers & Take care!!

  55. Valerie Says:

    Hey guy,
    Russian again!=)
    I know that all my coworkers(who try very hard to learn English, but usually use not very good methods) use these kinds of phrases when searching:

    Лучший метод изучения английского языка (The best method of learning English)
    Английский легко (English easily)
    Английский в совершенстве (Fluent(Perfect) English)
    Лучшие уроки английского языка(в мире) (The best English lessons(in the world))
    Разговорный английский (Conversational English)
    Лучший сайт для изучения английского языка (The best site for English learning)
    Как выучить английский? (How to learn English)
    Английский от носителей языка (English from native speakers)

    P.S. I guess it’s just a human nature… people want only the best- the best lessons, the best life… =)

  56. Erdene Says:

    Hi Guys,
    In Mongolian I would search:

    Ярианы англи хэл сайжруулах -Improve your english speaking

    Англи хэл сурах-Learn English

  57. Natasha Says:

    I am not good in English speaking.I am not a native English speaker.But i have a great interest in learning English with videos learning English with videos really improves our speaking skills.

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